Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Things I Learn from Being 18 for a Week

Hello beauties!

Sorry for not being active for the past week. It was prom hype and I got caught up in it. But now I'm back I have so many new ideas. As you probably read last week, I turned 18 years old. I'm finally an adult! But within the past week, I've noticed some things/changes that happens when you turn 18. Here are some of them.

  • You become a legal adult
    • In the sense, that you can get in legal trouble and your parents don't have to bail you out. But luckily I'm not the one to get in trouble. So I'll save my parents a few heart attacks.
  • Social media sites are real quick to update your account
    • This happened the day after I turned 18. Facebook removed some of the restrictions on my account since I'm no longer a minor. The removed limitations that protect sensitive information to others, reminders of post information, and much more. 
  • You're reminded of all the perks of being 18
    • The first thing my mom told me when I turned 18, was that I could go to the casino. Which has never crossed my mind. My friends later that day told me that I could buy a lotto ticket, which I don't see myself doing. But what did cross my mind, was all of the countries where I can drink now. Countries such as, Canada, Mexico, England, and much more (Here's a list)
  • You still remember, you have friends who are minors.
    • For me this was the hardest thing to wrap my head around. For the longest, my friends were all the same age as me. Then slowly, one by one, we've turned 18, and the circle of minor friends gets smaller. Whenever we try to plan events together, we have to work around the friends who are minors. A common sentence that comes up is "Oh yeah, you guys are minors,".
  • People seem to have a small sense of greater respect.
    • Maybe it's just the number 18. But lately, I've been treated like an adult. Granted I've been treated like an adult for the past two years, but this is different. People actually want to hear what I have to say, rather than just listen. Which by the way, is an amazing feeling!
  • Adults become nostalgic about your life
    • I grew up in church, and most of the adults who I know, knew me since I was born. So when I tell them that I'm 18, they talk about all the things "fetus Raven" did. Sometimes the stories are funny, but sometimes the stories are so embarrassing to me. But these are the people who I've grown up respecting and loving my entire life. 
These are some of the things that I've noticed so far. I'll be sure to update you if anything new comes. Let me know in the comments other "18 lessons" you've experienced!

Until next time,


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