Saturday, May 14, 2016

18 Lessons I've Learned (So Far)

Hello beauties!
As you can guess from the title, I'm 18! I'm a legal adult, but still a kid at heart. I just want to talk about some lessons that I've learned in these short 18 years. All of these are attributes that I apply to my life, and hope you can take some away with you.

  1. Life is hard
  2. Life is a joy
  3. Enjoy the people you're around
  4. Take the time to listen to others
  5. Don't try to always be in the spotlight
  6. Respect those who are older and wiser than you
  8. Be thankful for what you have
  9. Don't expect anything to come back if you helped others
  10. Learn beyond than your limits
  11. Take part in challenges that make you feel uncomfortable
  12. Laugh
  13. Cry (It's okay to sometimes)
  14. Be open
  15. Treat yourself to the joys of life
  16. Treat others to the joys of life
  17. Talk to strangers (but be careful)
  18. Make friends with people that you can't see yourself without.
Some of these were instilled in me as I grew up. But the majority I learned on my own, and I live by them. They helped establish the person that I am today.

For the future, I hope to look back and still say that I live by these lessons, and have learned many more along the way.

Until next time,


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