Friday, May 13, 2016

College Signing Day

Hello beauties!
Today at my school was College Signing Day. Although the original date is May 1st. My school decided to push it for the sake of AP testing. College Signing Day is the day where for most colleges it's the LAST day to apply. But for high school seniors, it's the day where they declare or commit to the college of their choice. For me, I committed to Central Michigan University.

I hadn't really though much of this day to have a huge impact on me. Mainly because I thought it was day where you watched a bunch of people sign a meaningless paper, hear meaningless sayings, yada, yada, yada.

But it wasn't until I received my first college acceptance (Bowling Green State University in Ohio) that I realized that this day is monumental. It's a day where you're publicly showing to underclassmen, that they can get to this point. It's a day where life really starts setting in (at least for me). But it's a day where you start to realize that school is going to end, or it has ended.

At my school, College Signing Day becomes an assembly. The tables are decorated with our colors, balloons with "Class of 2016" everywhere, and when the seniors walked in, everyone is applauding us. Once all the necessities and smaller parts of the program are finished, all the advisory teachers give us encouraging words.

For me, when my all time favorite teacher spoke she left me with two quotes: "Resist the urge to think that you know everything." and "You always ask me to tell my stories, now it’s time for you to tell me yours." These quotes have so much meaning to me, that I can barely describe them. I can only say that they have a deeper meaning than at the surface level.

So, College Signing Day for me was a day that I realized that soon, high school will be over. In less than three months, I'll be a full time college student. I'll be faced with even harder challenges, and there won't be anyone to hold my hand along the way. I'll have to be ready for life's struggles and life's accomplishments. So one day I can tell my favorite teacher, all my stories.

Until next time,


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