Thursday, August 4, 2016

July Favorites

Hello beauties!

Woo, July has been a hot month for me. I've travelled internationally for the first time! I'm slowly, but surly buying stuff for my college dorm. I start college on August 29th! I'm getting excited as each day pass by. 

If you want to read my June favorites, click here. During July, I found so many favorites, many of them are European bound, but some are local too. So let's get started!

  • Music
I discovered X Ambassadors via the "Discover Weekly" playlist on my Spotify account. The song listed was "Gorgeous". This is song was different for me. I love the pulsing beat that comes with it and the voice that carries along with it. It wasn't until that I started listening to "Renegades" that I like a few songs from the band. This is a good party band, and I recommend them.

"Don't Let Me Down" by the Chainsmokers feat. Daya
I heard this song in a store in France and loved it ever since. The Chainsmokers have recently started to become popular and I'm joining their ever growing fan base. I love the beat that comes with this song and the drop that follows. If you're looking for a song to chill to, this is it!

  • Travel

I recently travelled across the ocean for the first time and had the time of my life! I visited the United Kingdom, France and Italy. Visiting these three countries has made me a more humble person. Seeing the beauties of the world in person has truly affected me. Hopefully I can visit these countries and many more in the future!
(Tower Bridge view from London Bridge)

(The Eiffel Tower)

(Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy)

  • Life
The Ann Arbor Street Art Festival or the "A2 Art Fest" is a festival that sprawls downtown Ann Arbor. I've been coming here for the past three years and each year, it seems to be getting smaller. But this year, it grew and took over seven streets! I like coming here because it's a place where people come and showcase their works. This year my attention was caught by two people.

The first person was Alec LaCasse. LaCasse is a Michigan-based sculptor of wood and stone. What caught my attention was the intricate detail of every piece of his work. In his booth he had a flower-themed piece of wood, and I absolutely fell in love with it! (I didn't get a picture). I was so impressed by his work, that I told him he deserved to be in my blog. I promise to buy something! Check him out if you love really good wood work!

Second person was Michael. I noticed him through friends who was just standing around him, admiring his work. He specializes in handmade wire jewelry. I bought a copper ring and a black and violet charm from him, and I'm in love with them. Unfortunately he doesn't have a website, but the day that he creates one, you guys will be the first to know!

  • Food
OMG! This chocolate was a beautiful curse that was placed on me. I bought this in France and let's just say, I had to make this bar last three days. It's really creamy and you could really taste the chocolate, and there are literally no other words to describe it, unless you try it. I will make another trip to France in order to have this wonderful chocolate goodness in my life again.

Traditional Italian Salad Dressing
Coming from the Midwest, I'm a ranch dressing girl. I put ranch on everything. But in Italy, my Midwest, ranch loving spirit was replaced with a more simple food palette. The salad dressing we had (almost every day) was made with salt, vinegar, and olive oil. Who knew that these three ingredients would change the way I view salads.

European Food (in general)

The food over there in general is so much tastier. It's not overly salty, processed, and over done. Even the Starbucks in France was better! My favorite places food-wise was Grandcamp-Maisy in France, Florence, and Rome. I'm a big fan of pasta, and Italy delivered! The only thing I wished was to have more time to savor every last bit of it.

Chicken pie with mashed potatoes and peas (UK)

Pork steak with roasted potatoes and tomato (France)

Chocolate strawberry gelato (Italy)
So that's it for July! August is here and I'm looking for new and exciting things! Let me know in the comments of something I should check out!

Until next time,


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