Sunday, July 24, 2016

June Favorites!

Hello beauties!

As May was crazy and hectic, so was June. With my high school graduation, my grad party, attending my friend's grad parties, working, and many more obstacles in my way. Also, since my laptop was a "school issued" one, I had to return my sole method of communication. But now I've bought my own, and I'm back!

To be honest, since June was everywhere, but where I needed it to be, I really didn't find many favorites. But I've tried really hard to remember some of the little things that are now my new favorites!

**(All products are not sponsored, and have been bought at my own expense and interest. All opinions are of my own.)**
  • Music
I've been a JT fan since Futuresex/Lovesounds, but one day I was shopping and I found myself rocking to this song. I looked up the lyrics and discovered this song! It's called "Not a Bad Thing", and I adore it. I love the mellow vocals with the hint of pop in the background. I could see myself slow dancing to this song. So if you need a song to help you do the chores, or just to end the day, this is the song for you! There are two versions of this song,  I prefer the 11:28 because you get two songs for one track. 

Parson James was someone who I found through the TV show The Originals. I fell in love with his song "Waiting Game", to the point where it was on repeat for about two days straight. I finally decided to break the "Waiting Game" streak and listen to his other songs. I discovered that I already liked his song "Temple". He incorporates pianos in his music which I absolutely adore, and his voice is very gentle and easy to lost in.

  • Technology
I recently bought a new laptop from Apple and I love it! I've been a "Apple girl" ever since I got my iPod Touch 4th Generation, way back in 2011. Since then I've gotten a iPad, a iPhone and now I have a MacBook Pro. My main reason for getting a laptop was for college and various personal reasons. I love the simplicity of Apple and everything about it.

I added this to my Chrome account and it has been the best thing ever. Momentum is a personal dashboard where everyday you can type in your daily goals. For me I type in my main focus for the day. Whether it be college-related, personal, or random. Everyday I get so excited to check the background. They choose the most beautiful locations and at the bottom there is a inspirational quote. This is perfect if you need some serenity and peace in your life.

Top of the Park or ToP is Ann Arbor's annual summer festival. It literally kick starts my summer! I've been coming here for the past two summers and I enjoy it every year. It lasts for about a month and every night is something different, a new theme, musical artist, movie, activity, etc. I love it because it brings so many organizations, communities, groups of people together. I specifically love it when they have Latin Night because, we have a free salsa lesson with live music for about two hours. It's the perfect way to avoid traffic in Ann Arbor and waste time with food and music. 

So these are my June favorites! I hope you find something that you'll enjoy, as much as I did! Let me know of some of other things I need to keep my eyes peeled for!

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