Thursday, July 28, 2016

My Trip to Europe (Part 1)

Hello beauties!

Almost two weeks ago I was embarking on my first plane ride, my first time out of the country, longest time being away from my family. I was on my way to the cities of my dreams. I was about to start the best two weeks of my life.

But let me rewind and give you the back story. One of my classes in my senior year, was AP European History, APEH. I took this class to be with friends, but also to have my favorite teacher, Ms. Wood again for a final time. Upon taking this class, one of my friends found out that there is a company, EF Tours, who has a trip that follows the curriculum of APEH. Fast forward eight months later and here I am.

I had the absolute time of my life! As said earlier, this was my first time on a plane, first time out of the country, and the longest I've been away from my family. Everyone asks me "Weren't you scared on the plane?", I respond with "No, because I'm covered with prayers." Another question that I seemed to get was "Did you have any expectations or which place did you want to see the most?" I'd say, "I tend to not have expectations for anything, because if those expectations aren't met to my standards, I'm the one who feels let down or disappointed. The place I was excited about the most was Italy and it definitely delivered!" But enough of the Q & A, let's start with London!


London was a pleasure to stay in. It reminded me of a much, much busier Ann Arbor, which was something I could handle. Although we were in London for two days we saw, and learned so much about the city. I could definitely see myself living here after college.
  • Day 1: Travel Day
  • Day 2: Arrived in London, went to the hotel, commuted by the London Underground or "The Tube" to Piccadilly Circus, visited The National Gallery of London, walking tour of London, dinner at the O2.
  • Day 3: Guided bus tour of London, London Bridge, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Wicked at Apollo Victoria Theatre.
Buckingham Palace
The National Gallery of London 


When we first arrived in France, we arrived in Paris, but then took a three-hour bus drive NW to a little town called Grandcamp-Maisy. This little town is absolutely gorgeous! I wanted to just thrive in it. It's a fisherman town, right on the coast of the English Channel.
  • Day 4: Travel Day, Eurostar from London to Paris, three-hour drive to Grandcamp-Maisy, free-time to explore the town.
  • Day 5: Le Memorial de Caen, Pointe du Hoc Beach, Omaha Beach, Normandy American Cemetery.

The time at all the D-Day memorials, really struck a cord with me. I think it's one situation where you just learn about an event versus actually visiting the location of the event itself. The stories of brothers and families that sacrificed so much, whether it was their decision or not, really put me in a mindset of gratefulness and thankfulness.
  • Day 6: Left Grandcamp-Maisy, four-hour drive to Paris, Notre Dame, shopping on Avenue des Champs Elysées, train to the Eiffel Tower, boat ride on the Siene, photoshoot at the Eiffel Tower.
  • Day 7: Guided bus tour of Paris, Arc de Triomphe, Palace of Versailles, dinner at Le Boeuf Gros Sel, free-time in Montmarte.
Eiffel Tower
  • Day 8: The Louvre (Mona Lisa!), shopping at Avenue des Champs Elysées again, board the night train to Florence.
The time in Paris was so much fun! Growing up I've always wanted to visit this beautiful city. When we visited the Eiffel Tower, it was around the time it was just starting to light up, and I truly understood why it'c called the "City of Lights". At night the entire area just brightens and becomes a beautiful sea of colors.

Well this is just the first half of this trip! I hope you've enjoyed reading thus far! Leave a comment or a question about the trip, and I'll be happy to answer!

Until next time,


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