Wednesday, November 2, 2016

October Favorites

October is over, and now we're in November! This past month has been filled with so many new and exciting experiences, I couldn't write all of them down. I wish I could, but then this would have been a very long post. So I was able to narrow it down to just a few things from each category. Side note, I know that there wasn't a "favorites" for September. Like I said in "So What's Up?", college has literally taken up all of my time. Even to the point where I'm up at two in the morning still taking notes. I apologize for that. I'm still getting back into the swing of things. With all that said and done, let's get started!

**(All products are not sponsored, and have been bought at my own expense and interest. All opinions are of my own.)**

  • Music
"24K Magic" by Bruno Mars
I listen to this song the day after it was released. At first I had mixed feelings about it, but then next thing I know, I had it on repeat for two days. I love Bruno Mars and every song that he puts out. This one doesn't disappoint either. I love the old school feel that he brings to the musical world and it's something that's needed. Now let's see if I can get my dad to like it. (He's the oldest, old school person who I know. Don't tell him I said that!)

One Place Live (Deluxe) by Tasha Cobbs
I listen to gospel music, whenever I just need a break from life. Those moments where Bruno Mars, Chainsmokers, or even Ne-Yo, can't calm me down. Gospel music has lyrics that emphasize the stress level of where I'm at. During October, I felt really overwhelmed with everything. It felt that everything was going on at once, new changes were being made, and mentally I wasn't there. I played "Put A Praise On It" by Cobbs, and just went from there. I listened to her whole album on repeat for a week! Yes, I said it, a full week. She has songs on it that just can't be put on shuffle mode, in other words, they flow together to create a feeling. My favorite song(s) on the album are "Fill Me Up", "Overflow", and "Jesus Saves". Why, because they all work together to create a spirit filled moment. I hope that you can experience the glory of God that shines through her voice.

"Pretty Wings" by Maxwell
I loved this song in the past, but recently the song has a deeper meaning to me. So I was going through a difficult time with someone and I ended the whole thing. I thought that I was completely over it, but my mind was like "Nah, you still care, and you still hurt,". I called my sister about this and why I was listening to this particular song on repeat for the past three days. She gave me the best answer to all my questions, I then looked up the meaning of "Pretty Wings". The song is about loving the right person at the wrong time. This is exactly what I going through. At that moment, I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and I could finally breathe. So if you're going through a tough relationship, listen to this song, not only because it's freaking Maxwell, but the lyrics can give you the worst feels in world.

  • Makeup
ColourPop Cosmetics Super Shock Shadow- Beverly 
I bought this color originally to have a plum colored eyeshadow for the fall season. Once I got it in the mail, I realized that this color goes with everything that I have CMU related. For those who don't know, CMU's colors are maroon and gold. I love how with this color, you can build on it and it blends easily. Although this product is no longer available on the ColourPop website, I'll let you guys know when it comes back out. 

  • Events
(SHC Mock Rock Crew)
Mock Rock Rally
For Homecoming Week, I decided to take part in almost everything that was going on. My favorite event and arguably most memorable, was the Mock Rock Rally. The Mock Rock Rally (Mock Rock), is the last event leading up to the homecoming game. It's a competition between all the halls for the best dance. But here's the kick, each dance revolves around the theme of homecoming (this year it was superheroes), and a underlining message. For my hall, we had the Incredible Hulk and the underlining message was mental health. Even though we didn't win, I had the time of my life with the rehearsals, lack of sleep, and the final performance. I'm definitely participating in this next year!

(Meeting President Ross)
Pizza with the President
Something that I love about CMU is the family feel and the openness between the faculty and the students. Pizza with the President is one event that represents that relationship. CMU's President George Ross, came to East Campus and we literally ate pizza with him. Once everyone was about finished, he opened the floor for questions about literally anything. I had the great honor of asking him two questions, "What is the day in the life of President Ross?" and "What is your favorite vacation spot?". I'm not really big on very strict questions, and he just seemed like a very laid back person. I look up to President Ross as influential figure among the minority community. He's a African American, male who is president of an amazing university. What more can you say?

(SHC PowderPuff Team)
PowderPuff Game
Now, you may be thinking, I'm involved in every little thing on campus. Well, that's true, and I love it. I decided to participate in the PowderPuff game, mainly because we didn't have one at my high school. (Also because I really love football). PowderPuff was such an amazing experience, even though we placed fourth, I loved every minute of it. Except the times where I was freezing on the sidelines. Our team was made up of high spirited women, who just wanted to play for fun. Even though we did let a rivalry get in our heads. We had really great coaches and I'm so happy I got to do this!

That wraps up October! October was mixture of emotions, relationships, building friendships, and meeting really cool people. Guys we have eight weeks until the end of the year! The year is going by so fast! Let me know of some things that I should be on the lookout in November in the comments!

Until next time,


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