Thursday, September 29, 2016

So What's Up?

Hello beauties!

So as many of you know, I started college in August. Since then, I've absolutely enjoyed it here! I love the college life, and I'm learning more about myself each day.

But with that comes so much sacrifice. I've learned to make my own decisions, become independent, and just become an overall better person. I know that prior to starting college, I was trying my best to create posts, but I haven't been inspired. Now, since my time is ultra limited, I'll be having a harder time to create posts.

With all that said, I'll still be continuing the "Monthly Favorites", but anything out of that, will still be in the works. I knew that my time would be limited before college, but not to this extent. I apologize, for any inconvenience, but this is for me. I'm still learning to manage so much, that I've had to skip out on some of organizations I was interested in, for next year. (Hopefully my life would be at least halfway organized).

Here's where I need your help. I NEED ideas, topics, subtopics, anything. If you have a question and want me to answer it? Put it in the comments! Have an idea, and want my view/take on it? Put it in the comments! I want this blog to be an inclusive one and would love to have a connection with my readers. 

Thank you for your understanding, as I walk on this college journey. Please keep the support coming!

If you have ANYTHING, put it in the comments!

Until next time,


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