Monday, May 29, 2017

April/May Favorites

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Hello Beauties!

What is this? A favorites post?? I know, I know I said that I would continue do this, but with all honesty, life got in the way. Also I didn't feel that I had any worthy favorites to share with you lovely people. For this time, I'm going to combine April and May because a lot of stuff happened in these months. Ranging from my personal life, to my academic life. But now that I'm done with school and have all the free time in the world, let's get started!

**(All products are not sponsored, and have been bought at my own expense and interest. All opinions are of my own.)**

  • Music
NF is a artist that a friend recommended that I listen to around the end of April. They said that "he's a Christian rapper and I think you might like him,". Well, turns out I did. NF is someone who I would like to meet because of his music.  He pours out his whole heart in his albums Therapy Session and Mansion. In his song, "How Could You Leave Us", he talks about his mother and her overdose from pills. My favorite song on Therapy Session is ironically "Therapy Session". He sees music as an "outlet" for him and any listener can that. I can see the aspects of the Christian rapper within his music. But honestly you don't have to be a Christian to like his music. I highly suggest anyone to listen to NF, if you're looking for someone new.

"Victory Belongs to Jesus & Reprise" by Todd Dulaney
I originally heard this song while preparing for a concert. The praise team sung this before we performed. This song... this song... it does things. The first verse is "Who will stand against the LORD/ No one can/No one will". Every time I hear this song, my heart gets happy. In the reprise, they say "The victory belongs to you". When those five words are said, all one can do is agree. The victory of any troubles that we may go through, belongs to God. I listen to this song when I'm feeling low, or facing an obstacle that seems difficult. Definitely listen to this song!

For a while her song "Rude Boy" was stuck in my head. I finally gave in, and listened to all of my favorite songs by her. Which also caused another problem. I love a good chunk of her songs. So for about a week, I was listening to her music consistently. I found old favorites like "California King Bed", "Hard", and "Hate That I Love You". Let's just say that I was really happy when I found all of her songs. Don't be afraid to go back to old favorites! I first discovered Rihanna when I was in elementary school and she still remains to be one of my favorites.

Alessia Cara is my new artist of the month(s). I heard her song "Here" but never really followed after. "Scars to Your Beautiful" was the one that caught my attention. It's simple beauty and meaning made me want to hear more from her. Then she goes and sings "How Far I'll Go" from Moana and I fell in love with her. I can see her having a very successful career in the music industry. Her music and her voice are different than what I listen to normally. *Random thought* What if she and Demi Lovato sang together?? That would be an epic song! *sorry* I can't wait to see what Cara has in store for her fans. 
  • Events
(My Twin, my Big, and I)
Induction of Phi Sigma Pi
In the beginning of my second semester of college, I made a decision that changed my college experience. But before I explain, let me say that I came into college not wanting to join Greek life. I've seen/heard so many horrors of sororities/fraternities that I completely denied the idea. Coming to college, I've been exposed to so many different aspects of Greek life that my brain was fried. All to say, that I joined Phi Sigma Pi National Honors Fraternity. I joined the group because I missed having my supportive, academic friends. These group of wonderful people have filled in that gap tremendously. Through this group I've made friends and mentors that I can't see myself without. In the fall, it will be my first semester as a Brother, and I can't wait to see what Phi Sigma Pi has for me.

(DNCE Concert)
DNCE Concert
A glorious thing happened at Central Michigan University on April 21st. The dance-rock band, DNCE came to CMU. This was announced to the campus in November, and tickets went on sale a couple of months later. I immediately bought some. This was my second concert that I've attended. With Demi Lovato being the first. Seeing Joe Jonas perform, brought so many nostalgic memories in terms of, always being a Jonas Brothers fan. Even though I never went to a JB concert, I've always been a fan of their music. But DNCE delivered! There was t-shirts thrown, girls screaming, people jumping, and confetti falling. My favorite song during the concert was, "Pay My Rent". Maybe because during this song, confetti was falling and I was having the grandest time of my life. But who knows, I was just really happy that I got to see them.

(Laverne Cox at CMU)
Laverne Cox
Laverne Cox, actress on Netflix's "Orange is the New Black", came and spoke to CMU during our Pride Week event. The title of her talk was "Ain't I a Woman", the same title as Sojourner Truth's speech. Cox talked about her life, growing up in Alabama and how she came to who she is now. All her life she had to struggle to be accepted, and still to this day, she still gets attacked for who she is. My favorite part of her talk was the quote she used by Brené Brown, "empathy is the anecdote to shame,". I took this as being empathetic, you can override anything. Shame is a tool that people use against others to bring them down. But being humble and understanding, one can help break another's shame. All it takes is for someone to listen and help guide them. Cox was graceful and inspiring and I'm so happy I got to hear her.
  • Life
Freshman Year
I talked about this extensively in this post. But I made it through my first year of college! Can't wait to see what sophomore year holds!

Dyeing My Hair
I dyed my hair! This has been a long time coming. I thought about this for about a year. I knew the color, but sometimes my mind would wonder to a different one. Yet, I would still come back to this color. I had it done in a ombré, because I won't know the next time I would be home to color it again. That way, it can just grow out. I was super proud of the color and this made me feel like such an adult!

Working for CMU for the Summer
This summer I'm doing something different. I decided that I wasn't going home for the summer. The reason being is that I don't have anything to do at home. While I'll be missing out on Ann Arbor's Top of the Park and the Art Festival, and Ypsilanti's monthly First Friday, I needed to get away. Luckily I was able to get a job working for CMU, and I get to live in Mount Pleasant. I'm so happy this happened. I get to work with friends and it also limits the amount of back and forth moving for my parents. Another thing that I found while living up here, is that I love cooking! I'm super excited to be making adult decisions!

Whew! I forgot how much I love writing these posts! Let me know if I should be checking out anything else! It can range from technology, makeup, food, places, people, music, the options are limitless!

Until next time,

Monday, May 15, 2017

Freshman Year

Hello beautiful people!

Freshman year of college, is done and in the books! It's crazy to think that I'm already one year down. I've learned so much in just 10 months, than in my entire 19 years of living. I've met so many great people, heard really great speakers, had emotional breakdowns, got really involved, and many more. 

In August I started out as a shy, introverted freshman. Move-in day was completely hectic for my family. I brought my mom, dad, older brother and sister. We headed up to Mount Pleasant with two cars full of my stuff. After I checked-in, we saw my very small room and my new home.

From the first day, I said that I wouldn't go home until Thanksgiving break. That's exactly what I did. From this I realized that I love my independence. I love walking out/in of my room at weird hours (mainly from hanging out with friends). I never realized I hate the question "Where are you going?" until I went back home. Being able to do things on my time, whenever I want to feels so good. 

But college for me wasn't all parties, and going out every night, I actually focused on my studies. Luckily I met people who understood my mindset. My first semester of college, I had a 3.56 GPA, was secretary of my hall council, and much more. My second semester, I joined Phi Sigma Pi National Coed Honors Fraternity, became a Resident Assistant, and Business Manager of Christ Central Choir. 

My freshman year has been filled with many happy memories, few setbacks, a couple of emotional moments, and much more. All to say that college has been the best decision that I ever made. Now to end this, here's photos from my freshman year!

(Team Frugal for IMPACT)

(First CMU Football game of the year)

(CMU Homecoming Mock Rock)

(Saxe/Herrig/Celani Hall Council at the DREAM Conference)

(Me and Coach Bono)

(Me and the Asia Project)

(Me and Steely at the RHA Banquet)

(Laverne Cox at CMU)

(Pizza with the President)

(Saxe/Herrig/Celani Powderpuff Team) 

(Saxe/Herrig/Celani Hall Council Retreat)

(Solidarity and Love Rally)

(Meeting Dave Ahdoot)

(Induction of Phi Sigma Pi)

Until next time,
