Thursday, September 29, 2016

So What's Up?

Hello beauties!

So as many of you know, I started college in August. Since then, I've absolutely enjoyed it here! I love the college life, and I'm learning more about myself each day.

But with that comes so much sacrifice. I've learned to make my own decisions, become independent, and just become an overall better person. I know that prior to starting college, I was trying my best to create posts, but I haven't been inspired. Now, since my time is ultra limited, I'll be having a harder time to create posts.

With all that said, I'll still be continuing the "Monthly Favorites", but anything out of that, will still be in the works. I knew that my time would be limited before college, but not to this extent. I apologize, for any inconvenience, but this is for me. I'm still learning to manage so much, that I've had to skip out on some of organizations I was interested in, for next year. (Hopefully my life would be at least halfway organized).

Here's where I need your help. I NEED ideas, topics, subtopics, anything. If you have a question and want me to answer it? Put it in the comments! Have an idea, and want my view/take on it? Put it in the comments! I want this blog to be an inclusive one and would love to have a connection with my readers. 

Thank you for your understanding, as I walk on this college journey. Please keep the support coming!

If you have ANYTHING, put it in the comments!

Until next time,


Friday, September 2, 2016

August Favorites

Hello beauties!

August has been jam packed! For me, August meant opening a new chapter, I left my job, moved to Mount Pleasant, and started college. I'm attending Central Michigan University, hopefully to get a double major in Psychology and either Sociology, Social Work, or History. (All depends on what I feel when I declare my major).

I'm really excited to be starting this new chapter in my life! With all that said, let's get started!

**(All products are not sponsored, and have been bought at my own expense and interest. All opinions are of my own.)**
  • Music
"Closer" by The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey
I don't what it is about these two! They both are past favorites, but I never thought they would work together! This is the best mashup of the summer. Now, if only we can get Sam Smith and Adele to collab, my life would be made. This song is simply beautiful, and the voices of Andrew Taggart and Halsey are really fantastic. I got addicted to this song through my Leadership Safari guide. Every morning, he would play this song for us to find him in the masses to college freshman. Surprisingly it worked. I really like this song and I'm really happy that is collaboration exists!

"CAN'T STOP THE FEELING!" by Justin Timberlake
I heard this song during Leadership Safari and fell in love with it immediately! Justin Timberlake is another past favorite. I think I really love the beat and how it can work with many types of dance styles. I'm a huge dancer and I love music that does that. Timberlake has been really popular this summer and I'm just soaking in all his music. I feel that any song that he releases, I will be a big fan of it.
  • Movies
Suicide Squad
I saw this movie with a bunch of my friends as a "last gathering" meet up. I don't care what you say, but this movie was AMAZING! I loved the characters, the plot, everything! My favorite character was honestly Deadshot. But Harley Quinn and Joker have a spot of my heart. I'm really upset with some of the reviews, but after talking to my theatre friends, I can see why now. But it's still a good movie and if you haven't seen it, go see it.

  • Events
(Team Frugal)


IMPACT is a program that primarily focuses on minorities of incoming freshman and first generation students. I loved this program because it focused on connecting and showing students that they're not alone on campus. Since Central Michigan is a predominately white college, it can sometimes feel lonely on campus. To know that there are people on campus like you is very comforting. Within the program, you are paired with a two mentors who helps you adjust to your first year of college. Also you are placed in a group of other students and they become your family. I was paired with two phenomenal people and an amazing group. We ask each other questions about campus and just general issues or struggles of campus. If you are a student going to CMU, I highly suggest you become part of this program!

(Team Termite)
Leadership Safari
Leadership Safari is a event that is unique to Central Michigan University. It focuses primarily on connecting students to each other, and creating the foundation of leaders. The program is a five-day event filled with team building, volunteer work, networking with student organizations, and much more. Events range from poetry slam night, leadership sessions, comedy night, etc. Some of my favorites were The Asia Project, Ebony Stewart, Eric O'Shea, Paul Wesselmann, and a host of others. Leadership Safari comes so much dancing, laughing, and interactions with groups. My group was Team Termite, and these are some pretty cool people!
(The Asia Project)

(Ebony Stewart)

(Ben Nemtin of The Buried Life)

  • Life
On August 18, I packed up both of my parent's cars, drove 2 hours to Mount Pleasant, and started the next chapter of my life. College has been a huge change for me. Primarily because I grew up in a small school of 400 people with a graduating class of 108. So being surrounded by 2,000+ people within the first week, was pretty overwhelming. But as time flew by and the returning students came, I could handle the large crowds. College is also a place where I could really become independent. Not saying that I wasn't before, but to truly be on my own, had been an eye opener. Within my first week of being moved in, I had a sense of what type of person I am. But I know that who I am now, is a very fluid concept. In other words, I'm bound to change who I am for whatever reason. But I know that college won't completely change who I am, but expound and grow on what I already have. I hope that CMU can help me find my passion, my leadership skills, and my true happiness.

August has been the beginning of a new chapter. Now we're in September! Only one more month until Halloween! Three more months until the end of the year! Let me know in the comments of what I should be on the lookout for!

Until next time,
