Sunday, January 1, 2017

Goodbye 2016

Hello beauties!

We have reached the start of a new year! I can't believe that 2016 is over and 2017 is here! 2016 was honestly the best year for me. But I do recognize that for some 2016 may have been the total opposite. So many events happened in the last year that when I look back, I smile, cry, and ponder about them. It was really difficult to figure out which ones to talk about, so I tried my hardest to talk about the ones that either made me laugh, have a special meaning, or creates special memories for me. I even will talk about some of the lows I had this year. Without further ado, let's get started.

**(All products are not sponsored, and have been bought at my own expense and interest. All opinions are of my own.)**
  • Music
"Closer" by The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey
This song, you guys, this song, is my anthem for 2016. I wrote about it in my "August Favorites" post. Normally when I write "favorites" posts, I tend to avoid the artist for the next month, but I could not avoid this song. I blame this partly on Leadership Safari. I love this song so much, mainly for it's addictive beat, nature, and the lyrics. "We ain't never getting older!" The Chainsmokers and Halsey have had an amazing year and I can't wait to see what they are going to create in 2017!

Kevin Garrett is the most recent artist that I discovered in 2016. In 2015, I added his song "Never Knock" to my Winter Days playlist, and totally forgot about him until around this time. I finally listened to his Mellow Drama EP, and I fell in love with it. Garrett is now the artist that I listen to when my anxiety is going through the roof. His voice is so simple and smooth. He doesn't try to achieve high notes, and his music isn't overly complicated. I can hear his music being played in local coffee shops (mainly hipster). The EP is exactly what it says, it's such a mellow listen. My favorite song off it is "Coloring". I hope that he continues to rise in 2017, and I encourage you to listen to him!
  • Events
(My Parents and I)

High School Graduation
June 2016 was where my life really began. It all started with this day, my high school graduation. This was the most happiest day of my life, I had completed four arduous, emotional, constantly ever changing years at Arbor Preparatory High School. I graduated with the largest class of my school (it's only five years old), and with some of the best people whom I call my friends. Graduation was just the spark that fired the rest of my summer leading to college in August.

(Group photo in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City)

Traveling to Europe
Also this year, I accomplished something off my bucket list, travel to Europe. I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Europe with my AP European classmates, AP students, and teachers. In July, I flew 12 hours over the Atlantic and landed in London. From there we went to Paris, Florence, and Rome. Some of us went on the two day extension where we saw Pompeii, Sorrento, and Capri. I'm super thankful for the tour guide we had, because only one person could handle this crazy group of people. If I had the opportunity to do this again, I would drop everything and pickup my passport.
  • Makeup
(My Halloween Makeup)

I bought Smog around October just for the sake of wanting it. The description says "deep coppery bronze", at times it does pull the bronze color, but sometimes it pulls a golden color. I love the simplicity of the color, and it has now become my everyday makeup routine. This reminds me of Urban Decay's former eyeshadow "Snakebite". I loved this color and was so upset when they discontinued it. But "Smog" is the perfect replacement!

(My family and I for CMU's Homecoming game)

Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick in Ricco
Attending a school where the colors are maroon and gold, one has a natural love for maroon. During the fall where the colors are changing, I was on the search for finding the perfect fall lip product. I then discovered this lipstick by Stila. I was little suspicious at first because of how pigmented it is, but it matched perfectly with my CMU sweatshirt. When pairing this I tend to match with a lighter eyeshadow. Lately I've been pairing this with the Smog eyeshadow and people tell me, "You know you're wearing maroon and gold right?". I love it's lasting power when it comes to being out all night, I only have to reapply if I eat or after a really long time of not reapplying.

  • Lows of 2016
Constant Anxiety and Depression
This year has had many highs, but a few lows. Those lows started a while after I started college. Aside from the biggest change of my life, I literally felt like I had lost myself. I only participated in the activities out of care for others. I'm the person who hates bringing attention to themselves. During the middle of the semester I felt burned out, really sad, and scared. For me, my anxiety starts with fear, I feel scared of unknown things. Which leads to irritability and seclusion. It all boils over at some point, then it starts a new cycle. This happened three times during the semester, and luckily I had amazing people who helped me along the way. But if you ever feel like this check out Half of Us. It's a website geared toward college students with mental illnesses. Also talk to people, friends, RA's (Resident Assistants), MA's (Multicultural Advisors), RHD's (Residence Hall Directors), even professors, (Yes they do care).

Letting Go of People
For me I have a very hard time letting people go. Once I meet you, I immediately place you in a circle of my life. There were many people who in the beginning I felt so close, but as time went on, I felt the need to let them go. I tried so hard to tell myself that they still have a meaning a purpose, but it convince myself. I had to let someone go during the hardest point of the semester because I couldn't hold on to them anymore. Yes it did hurt mentally, emotionally, and physically, but as time went on, I felt myself getting better. Sometimes it's for both of you, but it needs to be done.
  • Life
Turning 18
For me turning 18, really didn't mean too much at the beginning. I was still living with my parents, working, still going to school, etc. But during the summer and especially in college, being 18 changed a my thought of being 18. It meant being a legal adult, going to doctor appointments by myself *gasps*, staying out as long as I want, and so much more! In college being independent is something that I'm still learning. Making decisions on my own, when I eat, do I go here or stay in my room. But everyday I'm learning and growing.

In August, I had no idea of what I got myself into when I came to Central Michigan University. I came in a dry sponge ready to soak up whatever came my way. I learned more about myself in five months, than in my 18 years of existence. Attending college has been the best decision I've made and CMU has proven that to me. Yes, college has it's downs, but I didn't let them to me. Whenever I was feeling homesick, I would call my parents, friends, or, siblings. Above my desk, I have pictures of people who I want to make proud. On it I have my mentors, my cousins, grandparents, family, and friends. Because of them, I force myself to get out of bed and go to class everyday.

Well, goodbye 2016. You've been filled with so many memories, trials and tribulations, happiness and heartbreaks, and so much more. Hello 2017, may you be welcoming, exciting, and a fresh wind for many people. 

This is my first post of 2017! 

Until next time,

Raven Tipton

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